A great range of new history books published in November 2022! Book covers below and some notes on the ones that caught my eye below that.
Click the book covers to see a zoomed in image and links to Amazon for those who like to buy their books there.

Lots of potentially interesting stuff here, including two that I can vouch for as I have read and reviewed them already! A few that I would like to mention:
Uncommon Wrath: Caesar, Cato, and the Quarrel That Ended the Roman Republic by Josiah Osgood - a great double bio of Caesar and Cato looking at two late Republican titans and their role in destroying the Roman Republic, and their relevance for present day politicians.
Adventures in Time: Fury of The Vikings by Dominic Sandbrook - a fun and engaging history of the Viking Age, written as a gateway history book for kids but just as good for adults.
Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World by Irene Vallejo - this one looks really interesting both as a history book and as a piece of writing. Translated from the Spanish version which was published in 2019, and one I hope to get round to reading!
Egypt's Golden Couple: When Akhenaten and Nefertiti Were Gods on Earth by John Darnell and Colleen Darnell - because who doesn't like a glamorous historical couple? And Egyptian pharaohs are always a favourite too.
The Perfect Sword: Forging the Dark Ages by Edoardo Albert and Paul Gething - another one that looks accessible and fun, this time written with adults in mind.