Nearly all of the 12 popular history books (published in the UK) I found from June 2024 are focussed on Europe, except for a near miss with a history of Jersulem, and a work on history and human biology. But within this geographical boundary there is fair amount of variety - I've picked out some specific examples below the cover images...
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A few that I have my eye on:
How the West Became Antisemitic: Jews and the Formation of Europe, 800–1500, by Ivan G. Marcus. This one looks a bit more 'scholarly' than your typical popular history book, but the topic is one that I would like to know about, on the assumption that the origin point of antisemitism was not inherent in the origin Christianity itself
Spycraft: Tricks and Tools of the Dangerous Trade from Elizabeth I to the Restoration, by Nadine Akkerman, Pete Langman. With the dual purpose of finding out what was done back then and also which of the more benign tricks might still be useful today 🙂 - perhaps I can teach them to / try them on my kids?
Sexed: A History of British Feminism, Susanna Rustin. Going from the 18th century to the present day, my assumption is that this will be well written and engaging - and with the sort of subject that you think you will probably know all about, but actually find that you don't that much.