Fourteen books published in November that meet my exacting criteria (of being history, not too academic, and not too niche or military). It looks like a fairly traditional range of topics: Weimar Germany, Russian revolution, French revolution, a bit of Rome - but a few books with less familiar themes too.
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One or two I would like to get for Christmas are:
The Revolutionary Temper: Paris, 1748–1789, by Robert Darnton - looking at how the idea of revolution became thinkable in Paris in the decades leading up to 1789, with novel mass media playing a key role.
The Gift: How Objects of Prestige Shaped the Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism, by Ana Lucia Araujo - telling the story of slavey and subjegation through luxury gifts. This seems like a different and interesting way into the subject.
Battle for the Island Kingdom: The Struggle for England's Destiny 1000-1066, by Don Hollway - I always struggle to remember just how it was that the Norwegians arrived, saw and conquered and then somehow got replaced by some Anglo-Saxons kings. This book looks like an entertaining refresher.